Place to Werribee!
This month we’ve welcomed South Yarra but the welcomes don’t stop there. No, no, no. The Lords know another place you should WerriBE this month. That’s right, we’ve officially opened a Lord of the Fries Werribee! Find us at Pacific Werribee, Shop F020 Werribee Plaza, to get your much-needed fry fix amidst your shopping hustle n’ bustle.
We’re not the only ones who are keen for this recent LOTF landing. Shout out to Star Weekly for sharing the news of the Lords heading West to one of the fastest growing hubs & hotspots. Go visit these newbies this month, eat some fries, say hello, do a little dance, whatever tickles your fancy – just give ‘em some love! Keep an eye out for more LOTF-taking-over-the-world updates soon.
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