What’s your name and who are you?
I’m Tim Silverwood and I’m the CEO and Co- Founder of Take 3. I’m an environmentalist who’s committed to protecting oceans, preventing pollution and advocating for a low-waste circular economy future.

At this moment, where are you writing from?
I’m writing from Take 3’s Office and Sustainability Hub on the Central Coast of New South Wales.

You’re both a CEO to Take 3 for the Sea and the Founder of ReChusable, what inspired you to pursue sustainability?
Since I was young, the ocean has been a sanctuary for me. Growing up in pristine bushland just 15 minutes from a plethora of stunning beaches allowed me to form a deep appreciation of nature.

In my early twenties, I began noticing the natural environment changing around me in a negative way. I decided I had to make positive changes in my own life if I wanted to see changes in the world around me.

Take 3 for the Sea has become a major initiative, what has been your proudest moment so far?
Receiving the Australian Government’s stamp of approval – deductible gift recipient (DGR) status was a big moment. All the hard work of my fellow co-founders, Roberta Dixon-Valk, Amanda Marechal and myself had finally been officially acknowledged and this allowed people to make tax deductible donations over $2 to Take 3.

What are your top 3 hacks for people who want to become more sustainable in their everyday life?

Put your thinking cap on – I always encourage myself to think about where things come from and where things go once we humans are done. When you adopt a thinking mindset it naturally promotes sustainable choices.

Talk about it – we require a community-oriented approach to solve these problems, so I encourage you to talk about it with your friends, family, barista…everyone!

I never let the opportunity for a quick conversation about plastic pollution and waste pass me by.

Pick it up – picking up plastic and rubbish not only creates an immediate benefit to the oceans and wildlife, but it makes you feel great and can be a way to keep active. Be sure to share a photo online with the #Take3fortheSea tag to inspire others.

We know you make a conscious effort to eat ethically, what’s your go-to plant-based snack?
Fruit! It’s so underrated. Or roasted and salted nuts if I’m feeling lavish.

What’s the rest of 2019 looking like for Take 3 to the Sea?
Huge. We’re working hard on some big developments in the way we deliver Take 3 education programs and events. Take 3’s mission is to inspire participation in simple actions that reduce the impacts of plastic pollution and waste, so, our work for 2019 is focused on continuing to achieve this.

Make sure you follow us @Take3fortheSea and subscribe to our newsletter via take3.org to stay up to date.

You’re finishing up after a big day of work and you’re craving some fries, so you stop by LOTF, what do you order?
I’d go the Spicy Burger in a meal, asking for the drink to be poured into my reusable cup and absolutely no plastic straw, please! Every action counts.

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